
Evaluation - How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Overall I feel the combination has worked very well. I am most pleased with the film trailer and film poster as I think they really do compliment one another very well. The combination of work helps support the overall promotion of the film.

For our film poster we used a wooden chair doused with blood. This immediately creates a powerful image of some sort of torture/killing theme to the film. The image creates the impression someone has been killed whilst being tied up to the chair, the body seems to have then been disposed leaving the remaining blood of the victim staining the chair. I feel this has been very effective in supporting the upcomming film.

The billboard also supports the horror promotion package of our film by using two images from the movie however not used in the trailer. On the left hand side of the billboard we have used a silhouette of the killer who can be clearly seen holding and axe. The silhouette creates the image of the unknown which the user will want to find out what it is. On the right hand side is a clip that was not present in our trailer. It shows one of the actors staring at a televesion in a dark room with the title 15 minuts of fame. If this was a real marketing campaign I would recommend using different images on the right hand side for different billboards. This helps build an image for the upcomming film.

Lastly we created a film magazine brand called 'Close Up'. The magazine promotes the film with one of the actors on the front cover. The magazine includes exclusive such as interviews with the cast and backstage scenes. The picture used on the front cover helps create synergy between the slasher similarity of our film and American Psycho and immediately makes it stand out.

In conclusion the combination of ancillary texts along with the film has created a strong and effective promotional package for the upcoming 15 minutes of fame.

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