
Evaluation - In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

The current state of the horror genre has gradually been in decline and we have hoped are new upcoming film 15 minutes of fame can revitalise the genre by offering something original and new. Currently only sequels or remakes of horror films such as SAW and Friday 13th have been popular.

The beginning of the film starts of with an establishing shot of the sky with the sun beaming through the clouds. This is typical in many horror teasers such as Friday the 13th which is posted earlier in my blog. Establishing shots tend to set the scene and begin the trailer peacefully preparing the viewer for the horror that is about to come. Next comes a series of fades in and out with points of view shots from the victim and title sequences. This again is very common in teasers and follows media conventions.

The killer himself does not reveal himself as he conceals his identity using clothing. This is typical in many horror films and follows conventions. The killer is maybe not so original. He wears wellington boots, a large grey jacket with gloves and conceals his face with a mask and hat. The killers weapon of choice seems to be the axe however has been seen using chainsaws, this is typical in horror films and is similar to the killers from the shining and friday the 13th.

The settings used has also followed convention. The main setting, my garage, closely follows similar films that use some sort of torturing/killing room most notably the SAW series. The garage is dark and gloomy and had some useful Mise-en-scene such as electrical wires hanging from the wall. Conventions were followed using Mise-en-scene as it was very important to make sure are garage setting had a torture and horror feel to it. However if you look very closely we did make a few mistakes such as having an 'Oasis' bottle on a table in the background.

Following the garage scene there is then a montage of fast paced clips which is a technique used by film producers to show the best clips in the film. In many cases teasers can be very good making you want to see the film only to then watch it and be disappointed. The ending of the film ends with a cliffhanger where the killer picks up his chainsaw ready to kill the victim. It then cuts to the ending titles while in the background the sound of the chainsaw and man screaming can be heard. This follows conventions as it entices the the audience to want to see the film and see what happens.

15 minutes of fame aims to take the best bits of horror films and improve where others have failed. Over the past 10 years the bulk of horror films such as the SAW series , Texas chainsaw massacre, hostel etc have used 'shock and awe' techniques. This is where the horror films have had to use extreme gore inorder to entice the audience to watch. With 15 minutes of fame we hope to bring back the slasher theme and although there is gore thorughout the film there are many twists and turns in the storyline and characters are developed in alot more debth. The similaritys og our film idea is mainly the torture rooms where the victims must escape or risk having there '15 minutes of fame' being broadcasted to televison for the population to watch creating immence fear within the country and the government calling the killings a national threat.

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