
Evaluation - What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

Audience Feedback has been so important throughout all stages of our production from planning the original concept to the final product complete. It has allowed us to constantly improve what we had produced and get even more ideas and opinions overall leading us to have a much better finished product.

One way we have been able to get instant user feedback is by posting clips that we have produced onto facebook. My partner Alex Mussard uploaded a BBC news report clip that we were planning to use in our trailer. Two friends within 10 minutes of it being posted were able to give instant feedback. We did this for several other clips as well and it really helped us get even more ideas on ways we could improve editing and improve the footage itself if we were to re film.

Facebook was particularly useful reaching our target audience as the "friends" were predominately of the target age we wanted to produce the film for.

Below is an example of the feedback we got from uploading the news report scene.

Another example of feedback we received was on the selection of soundtrack that we should use in our film. We created a poll online where the target audience could then select there favourite soundtrack they like after hearing it. We then went on to using that track in our teaser trailer.

Even after completing our film we still gathered feedback on what we could have done better. The main feedback that popped up was the text used at the beginning of the film could be hard to read and it was suggested to be slowed down. Overall we recieved very positive feedback with the end product.

In conclusion audience feedback is key in producing different forms of media, after all this is the audience that will be viewing it and buying cinema tickets if it were real. If the target audience doesn't like what they see then simply they won't go and see the real film. This is why businesses spend huge amount of money on research such as customer feedback and focus groups.

After collecting Audience feedback what would we have done differently if we were to make the teaser trailer again?
Title sequences - We would improve the title sequences during the trailer and make them clearer as well as longer on screen. Audience feedback indicated that it was hard to read and not enough time to read.
Editing - Our teaser trailer was closer to a film trailer due to the audience getting a good idea what the plot of the film is about. We would try to have a faster montage of clips creating a more realistic look to the trailer.

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