
Planning - Preparation for future filming

For our future filming that we our planning to do in the next fortnight we our preparing our props and possible suitable locations to use.


Blood - To create blood we decided to use an edible recipe consisting of the following - Golden syrup, Chocolate sauce and red food dye and well as some water. We wanted to use an edible recipe so that the victims could
Props - Axe, Hedge-trimmer (imitation of a chain-saw), Rusty saw, Wooden chair, Table


Killer - Old clothes and tatty. Large grey old coat, tatty trousers, wellington boots, thick gloves, tights (to cover face), black long neck polo shirt, black woolly hat.
Victim - Normal teenage clothes - Jeans, shirt, trainers.


My garage - Where the killer will perform his filming of his victims and broadcast them to television for viewing by the public.
Park - Possible scenes in a children's park - possible area when the killer may strike
Woods - Nonsuch park / Banstead woods - These two location would both me suitable and our close to my house.

Actors / Actresses
The actors we will use will be friends from our school. Although not ideal compared to professional actors or students who do drama we should be able to produce a realistic film. The main benefit of using friends is it will be a lot easier organising and they will be alot more keen to help in the production rather then actors we hardly know. The killer will be dressed top to bottom so it can still "appear" that the killer is not a 17 year old actor but rather someone alot older. We wanted the victims in our trailer to be in there teenager years which is why we can get away with using our friends rather then using older actors and actresses.

For the news report scene we are planning to use our female teacher.

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