
Implementation - 15 minutes of Fame Teaser Trailer

Evaluation of Teaser Trailer
I was very pleased with the teaser trailer and it was such a joy to be apart of the process from start to finish. This part of the production took by far the longest and at times became extremely frustrating. It was also very difficult selecting the footage we were to use. With over 30 minutes of footage we had to condense that to our aimed time of just 90 seconds. At times it was difficult cutting footage we spent a lot of time filming.Personally I feal the beginning and end of the film are very good but the middle not as strong as i'd liked it to have been. I also felt that the our film was closer to a film trailer rather then a teaser trailer as teaser trailers tend to give very little of the plot away whereas our film the audience gets a strong picture what the film is about. Nether the less I am very pleased with it.

During the filming of the trailer we did have a few setbacks. Looking back one of the funniest ones was a scene where the killer is ripping though the victim with his axe. The idea was to have my partner, Alex, holding the camera whilst sitting on the floor creating a point of view shot. I would then pretend to shred the victim to pieces while Alex would throw blood onto my jacket using a spoon. Although a nice idea the footage ended up showing Alex's hand with the spoon clearly throwing the blood and so was unusable during editing.

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